Friday, November 27, 2009

Why do people judge your sexual preference on your hair?

I have very short hair, longer than a guys but still rilly short.Its pritty feminan yet some people just assume that im lesb.I dont have any problem with them but i find it insulting that people assume.Its true that they do usually go for shorter hair but to assume that everyone with short hair is homosexual is ignorant.Short hair can be very sexy and many homosexual girls have thoes long lucious locks(haha).Anywho im just asking people,mainly guys,do you think this way and why?

Why do people judge your sexual preference on your hair?

because some very stupid people think short hair is just for boys and long hair for girls but just ignore them it is 100% stupid because girls can look nice with short hair and i think boys look hot with long hair

Why do people judge your sexual preference on your hair?

Well, some people are still living in the 1940s, apparently.

Honestly, though, a good male friend of mine is really attracted to women with short hair. But he feels he'd never have any luck with them because "they're all lesbians." I think it's just an excuse for why he doesn't actively look, though..

If I were you, I'd fly my flag high and tell people proudly, "No, I'm straight. Straight women can have short hair too." Dispel those myths!

Why do people judge your sexual preference on your hair?

heck..i'm in the process of finding out and I think I'm gay and I hve -mid-long hair (I'm a girl btw)

Why do people judge your sexual preference on your hair?

People love their stereotypes.

It makes sense to them that a girl that wants to be with another girl will wear her hair like a guy to get the other woman's attention. They cling to their stereotypes like this because they don't know how to look past them and realize people are people, haircuts are just haircuts -- they're not always symbolic of someone's orientation.

Why do people judge your sexual preference on your hair?

Question aside this is hilarious... sometimes its best to try and laugh at yourself, I hate stereotypes as well.

Why do people judge your sexual preference on your hair?

I have hair longer than most guys *Down to my shoulders* that was styled not too long ago when I got it cut *It was a lot longer before*. I'm very often mistaken as full blown gay.

Oddly enough, homosexuals haven't hit on me as of yet, and judging by my looks, you'd think they would have by now.

Why do people judge your sexual preference on your hair?

***** everyone else. short hair rocks!

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